= guifi.net Database = Our data is accessible in XML (we call it CNML as for Communities Network Markup Language) using the CNML link provided at the bottom page of each zone. As en example, for [http://guifi.net/en/planavic a zone of about 1400 nodes] at the bottom the CNML link drives you [http://guifi.net/en/guifi/cnml/8349 here], where you can export all the information at several levels of depth. We're now just delivering the XML. By looking into this it is possible to see very much which objects are described and with which attributes. To help documenting it, we can use [http://www.hitsw.com/xml_utilities/ some tools] looking at a valid XML code. With that, you can currently get the XML schema and DTD provided below. By looking into this you see that there is an object hierarchy which might be very much general, basic and a summary: network → zones → child zones (up to n) → locations → devices → radios → interfaces → links. == CNML generated DTD == {{{ }}} == CNML generated schema == {{{ }}}